Chenard & Walcker, Peugeot D3 et D4
Chenard & Walcker, Peugeot D3 et D4

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 Chenard & Walcker, Peugeot D3 et D4 :: Recherche d'objets pour nos nez de cochon :: cherche pieces pour D4A

cherche pieces pour D4A

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Auteur Message

Age: 76
Inscrit le: 13 Nov 2010
Messages: 15539
Localisation: 76710 - MONTVILLE - Normandie

MessageSujet: cherche pieces pour D4A  Posté leSam Oct 15, 2016 5:46 pm Répondre en citant

Donc les feux arrière, de marque Harpon ou Frankani

Et les feux de stationnement sous les flèches !
Mustang Grandé 1973, Mercury Colony Park 1989, Renault 19 cabriolet 1992 et ... D4A de 1959 venu du Languedoc-Roussillon.

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Inscrit le: 12 Oct 2016
Messages: 13
Localisation: Slovaquie

MessageSujet: cherche pieces pour D4A  Posté leMer Oct 19, 2016 9:40 pm Répondre en citant

I just went to see this car:

I took some parts, but the front and rear axle are still there.
The gearbox was junk I think.
But please GO SAVE IT. I did not have good enough tools to demount all the parts like the steering box etc.

They are going to put it to the junkyard / crusher in two weeks. So go take it.

Pm me for details id interested.

Ps: sorry for using english today, I am already tired and the translation takes me a long time when I dont have anyone who speaks french to help.

Merci Smile
Sauvez la patine !

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cherche pieces pour D4A

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